Rental Marketplaces (also knows as peer-to-peer marketplace, peer-to-peer renting, person-to-person rental, P2P renting, collaborative consumption) are really booming right now.
An online rental platform joins people and businesses together online to deal with each other directly without the necessity to use slow and expensive mediator.
People have been renting from each other for a long time already. Why renting? Because there is no need to buy something you don’t need to use very often, as it will mostly collect dust in your garage. The consumption of resources is also getting descreased, since when you are renting or sharing something, you don’t motivate the manufacturers to produce more.
There is also a social side of renting. Today, most people don’t even know who is living next door, so renting or sharing things, even with people we’ve just met online, allows us to make useful connections.